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We are so excited for you to get to know our team of fantastic staff workers. Besides we really are a family-run business, all of the staff members feel as family. If you visit our garden centre in Athlone, you will definitely feel the friendly atmosphere, and you will feel welcome at any time. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Family-run business

Fernhill Garden Centre is a family-run business that was established in 1978 by the Reid Family. It has developed and grown to become recognized as one of Ireland’s leading Garden Centres and Landscape Contractors. Fernhill has a team of qualified Horticulturists ready to offer you excellent customer service, expert advice and everything you need to know to cultivate a beautiful garden.

Austin and Eoin Reid, the faces of the family run Fernhill Garden Centre The Reid Family of Fernhill Garden CentreAustin and Rosemary Reid collecting the Midlands 103 Customer Service Award 2018 for Fernhill Garden Centre, AthloneFernhill Midlands 103 Customer Service Awards 2019 Winners - Fernhill Garden Centre, Athlone

Team - Fernhill

Staff - Fernhill