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Vegetable Bulbs

Are you looking for vegetable bulbs to plant in your kitchen garden? The growing season has started, so let's collect all of the vegetable bulbs you want to grow this year. Fernhill offers a wide variety of vegetable bulbs, like garlic, asparagus, artichoke, horseradish, onions, and rhubarb. Nothing that tastes better than fresh-grown vegs from your own garden. Discover our range and add your favourite veg bulbs to your shopping cart.

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Some popular examples of vegetables that can be grown from bulbs include onions, garlic, shallots, and leeks.

Planting vegetable bulbs

When planting vegetable bulbs, it is important to choose a location that has well-draining soil and receives at least six hours of sunlight per day. Bulbs should also be planted at the correct depth, which can vary depending on the type of bulb. For example, onions and shallots should be planted about 2,5cm (1") deep, while garlic should be planted about 5cm (2") deep.

When to vegetable bulbs

It's recommended to plant garlic in the fall, and onions and shallots in the early spring. However, the specific timing may vary depending on the climate and the variety of bulb you are planting.

How to care for vegetable bulbs

Once planted, vegetable bulbs need to be watered regularly and fertilised with a balanced fertiliser to promote healthy growth. They should also be protected from frost and heavy rain, as both can damage the bulbs. 

It's worth to mention that, some vegetable bulbs can also be planted indoors and harvested as green onions or scallions, like chives and the leeks.